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Locksbrook Campus, Bath School of Art & Design, Bath Spa University

JJ Interiors were appointed in the winter of 2018 to construct the Locksbrook Campus, Bath School of Art & Design, Bath Spa University, for Willmott Dixon.


Works incorporated the supply and installation of in excess of 1000m2 of oak acoustic walls and ceiling panels


Each panel was individually sized and fabricated from MDF, wrapped in an acoustic fabric and clad in a oak slats to create a seamless finish and bring to life the architects vision.


The works included some thought-provoking features. One of the most challenging structures to clad were the two curved feature acoustic walls to the main reception area. These were constructed in three number sections at a height of over 6m between Ground and First floor.


Our works also included the semi-permanent timber partition walls clad in poplar plywood.

Project Value: £400k

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