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The Lighting Cafe & The Hanger, Dyson D9

JJ Interiors working with ISG Construction, undertook the FF&E package at James’ Dyson’s new research and development building in Malmesbury, Wiltshire.

The package including the manufacture and installation of the ‘Fat Wall’ storage system, four teapoints, a robot testing area and the construction of seven VRF housing units, all across two floors and a separate cafe facility building.

The fat wall storage wall was a particular highlight of the project with over 1800 components contributing to it’s construction. The wall was constructed from 25mm Birch Plywood with white HPL laminate to both faces.

Each teapoint was constructed from spay lacquered MDF, granite worktops and stainless steel kick plinths, all supplied by JJ Interiors.

Work was completed in May 2016.

Project value: £30k

NB: No further images available due to contractual agreement

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JJ interiors (SW) Limited is incorporated in England & Wales, Company Registration Number 4629762 and has its registered office at C V Ross and Limited, Unit 1, Office 1, Tower Lane Business Park, Tower Lane, Warmley, Bristol, BS30 8XT. VAT registration number: 810 7184 52

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