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Information Kiosk, Bournemouth Pier, Dorset

JJ Interiors were awarded the works to these £3.3 million structures at Bournemouth Borough Council’s new Visitor Information Kiosks by Willmott Dixon, which were completed in the spring of 2015.

Works Included thermowood cladding to both ceilings and the reception area fit out for the information kiosk. Works within the reception area involved the construction of all wall and floor cupboards, a curved reception counter, wall and plenum cladding.

JJ Interiors engineered an innovative approach to the construction and installation of the thermowood cladding to both ceilings. Due to the constrained and tight build programme, we decided to manufacture all ceiling panels off site in our workshop in Bristol.

All the information on the complex geometry of the curved ceilings was captured from the 3D model supplied by the steel manufacturers. Drawings were then produced from the model which enabled us to build the ceiling in sections and transport to Bournemouth to be fitted.

This estimated that this construction method saved approximately 75% on site build time enabling the required schedule to be achieved.

Project value: £70k

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